Scientific Name : Crataegus Oxyacantha
This herb is particularly special to me because it helps to lower blood pressure and aids in overall heart health. I have hypertension, so when taking a Hawthorn tincture I can readily feel how my blood flow regulates and my heartbeat strength softens.
It is very ideal for people who have heart-related issues. However, if you are already taking medications for heart issues then it would be best to find out if Hawthorn could be used in conjunction.
In addition, it can be combined with Ginkgo to increase circulation to the brain and improve memory.
Medicinal Properties
CNS sedative - slows down the feedback of the central nervous system
Antioxidant - helps to fight against harmful substances called “free radicals”, created during the body’s metabolic process. As we age, more free radicals build in the body contributing to illness. The antioxidants work to prevent damage and preserve our DNA and other cells.
Adaptogen - help to recover from stress and navigate stressful situations more easily. They help you return to a balanced state.
Cardiac Trophorestorative - strengthens and restores the nerves in the circulatory system. Trophorestoratives act as nourishment for our nerves, much like how water and healthy food nourish our bodies. They also help our nerves perform better under pressure.
Cardiotonic - Improves the strength of the heart muscle in pumping blood.
Coronary & Peripheral Vasodilator - Dilates the blood vessels of the limbs, head and outer organs. This reduces the need for the heart to pump as hard.
Anti-Arrhythmic - Reduces or regulates the rhythms of a fast, slow or irregular heartbeat
Diuretic - Pulls more salt and water from the body into the urinary tract to be released
Reduces Myocardial Oxygen Demand - Reduces the amount of oxygen the heart needs to maintain optimal function.