My Shaolin Workout
I remember as a kid being entranced by martial arts, fighting, combat and strength. Only a kid enrolled in Shotokan martial arts, I took to it swift and enthusiasticly trying to emulate my instructors and out perform my fellow students. I’m sure I couldn’t realize it then but I admired the balance and discipline of monks and fighters. It was probably my warrior spirit inside finding representation externally and I attached to it like glue. Nothing could be cooler and I was good at it, my instructor used to describe me as a sharp student. I was a leader and manifestor combat infused, expression of reality that never ceased in my soul. I felt powerful, and practicing gave me joy in realizing my ability to perform, memorize and execute katas. The warrior life was always present and imprinted in my soul from an early age, influencing the way I navigated the world and my mind altogether.
Shaolin monks have been shrouded in mystery and a reputation for extrodinary feats of power and focus. The trainings were often secret and open to only those who proved themselves as worthy and commited to the rigorous trainings and lifestyle of a warrior monk. So, it only made it more attractive when I found teachers on YouTube presenting unique training regiments from the temples. Shifu Yan Lei was the first instructor I stumbled upon and immediately felt a sense of reverence and authenticity for what he represented. Since seeing his videos and philosophy I slowly began incorporating his lessons into my fitness routines. I had a desire to train my body like a warrior and represent myself at the best of my physical ability. Its a philosophy to continue training in times of peace that define a warriors character. A continuous regiment of training, a consistent honing of your skill, a steady sharpening of the knife.
The workout represented in this video is a combination of 2 workouts from Shifu Yan Lei with a few differences here and there. The entirety of this workout is meant to be done in under 30 minutes to make for a quicker session, utilizing full body mobility . During the course of 30 minutes I do 108 push ups, 108 Squats, 113 Kicks and over 200 Punches. We sequentially switch between upper and lower body so we don’t exhaust our muscle groups and give them windows to recover.
Upper Body Set 1
36 Regular Push Ups
Nothing special or out of the ordinary here, just 36 regular push ups. If you can do them consecutively without resting than all the better. On my first handful of attempts I couldn’t do past 25 without struggling, stopping and sweating profusely. No worries, naturally you’ll build your strength over time
20 Traditional Punches
Start in a stable, strong horse stance. The right hand to guides you to the right side and left hand strikes. Then, left hand guides you to the left side and right hand strikes. When you strike with the right hand, straighten out your right leg to generate power and strength behind your strike. Do the same with the left leg.
100 Light Punches
Stay on the balls of your feet and lightly punch in sequence with the rhythm of your steps. Try to keep your arms and shoulders loose while you punch. The goal of this exercise is to bring a bit of relief and fluidity to your arms after the traditional punch.
20 Reps of Boxing Combination Punches
The combination in this rep sequence is straight, uppercut, hook or jab, uppercut, hook depending on which hand you start with first. Jabs are done with your front hand, and straights are done with the back. I like to alternate hands during each repetition to work both arms equally.
Lower Body Set 1
36 Horse Stance Squats
Start back in a strong horse stance and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. I like to keep my arms strenched out in front of me, like I’m holding the reigns of a horse.
36 Outside Kicks
These outside kicks are like making large half circles with your legs. Try to keep your legs straight as you extend through the kicks. Also, try to spread them outward as wide as you can to get the full extension in your muscles.
Upper Body Set 2
36 Angled Push Ups
For these push ups angle yourself to one side and do 18 push ups, then switch to the other side to do another 18.
20 Kai Gong Shi Punches
Start in a horse stance and align your upper body like you’re aiming a bow and arrow. Start on one side and punch with your back hand, then immediately with your front hand. Remember to extend your back leg as you punch. Switch to the other side for a total count of 20
20 Extend and Retract Arms
Go into a stance with 1 leg forward and 1 leg back, winding your arms up on your inhale, and extending your arms foward on your exhale. Try to extend your arms forward as far as possible to relax your shoulders.
20 Reps of Boxing Combination Punch
The combination in this sequence is Straight, Jab, Uppercut, Hook or Jab, Straight, Uppercut, Hook depending on your starting hand. However, in this round the uppercut and hook are done with the same hand.
Lower Body Set 2
36 Gong Bu Squats
These squats are very similar to forward lunges, but instead of taking steps forward you return back to your starting point. Be sure not to let your knees touch the ground during the lunge.
41 Roundhouse Kicks
From your fighting stance, alternate rounhouse kicks while keeping your balance steady.
Upper Body Set 3
36 Fist Push Ups
These push ups are going to be done with a little bit of pain and discomfort. I find it to be more manageable if I lean into the pain a bit, and to make sure the entire surface of my fist is flat on the ground. These may take some time to build up a tolerance.
20 Pu Bu Punches
From the horse stance, shift your weight over to the left side and positon your left fist above your hip facing upward. Position your right hand across your mid section with your palm facing your left arm. Shift your weight to the other side and strike with your left hand, returning back to the starting positon after each rep. Then complete the same for the other side.
20 Extend and Retract Arms
Go into a stance with 1 leg forward and 1 leg back, winding your arms up on your inhale, and extending your arms foward on your exhale. Try to extend your arms forward as far as possible to relax your shoulders.
100 Light Punches
Stay on the balls of your feet and lightly punch in sequence with the rhythm of your steps. Try to keep your arms and shoulders loose while you punch. The goal of this exercise is to bring a bit of relief and fluidity to your arms after the traditional punch.
20 Combination Boxing Punches
The combination in this set is Uppercut, Uppercut, Hook, Straight/Jab. Try to alternate arms each rep.
Lower Body Set 3
36 Xie Bu Squats
In these squats you’ll step one foot behind the other and squat down in that postion. When done right your back knee will squat outside of your front foot.
18 Front Kicks + 18 Cross Kicks
From your fighting stance, alternate kicking straight up towards your head with each leg. We will go to 18 reps then transition to 18 cross kicks. With cross kicks you will alternate kicking over to your opposite shoulder.
That completes the workout. I want to challenge you to recover while standing straight up and breathing deep in your diaphragm. This is in efforts to train your body to recover while under pressure and fatigue. Thanks for following along with the excersise.
Train Well Warrior